Thursday, August 27, 2009


BeLieve ~

Everything happens for a reason

What seems ~

a negative turn of events

a change of plans

an interruption

a threat

an error

a mistake ~

Is not.

Is never.

There are no mistakes

There are only changes of paths

Offering ~



movement forward

Towards ~

Your right path

Your reason~for~being

Your True Self

Breathe It

Feel It

Let It Be ~


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Your True Path

If You ~
Let It go

Your True Path ~
~ will lead You ~

We all have a reason~for~being

Breathe It

Feel It

Let It go

Let It flow

Your True Path ~
~ will lead You ~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Abstract~Figurative Art~Life

Many people look at my art
And call it abstract

Something ~
they have seen before
or felt before
or been to before

Not quite certain ~
of what
of when
But something they know

What is abstract
What is figurative
What is real?

I paint from nature ~ from the feeling of nature ~ from being there
Not what I see ~ but what I feel
What I am left with
After I remember it
And feel it
Once I am alone ~ in my studio

Sometimes one experience ~
Sometimes two
Other times many

Always the Soul of the landscape
Always the Soul of Mother Earth

What is real
What is figurative
What abstract?

Does it matter?
They are all one ~
As perception is reality

Stop and look and feel
Your surroundings ~ Your environment ~ Your world

Feel It

Let go ~
of what It Is
Let It Be

Feel It
And you will see

Sometimes abstract ~
helps you see
helps you feel

Sometimes abstract ~
is more true

Sometimes abstract ~
Is more real

Monday, August 24, 2009

Let it be ~ And be

Who knows ~
Why we do what we do

We only know ~
We are here now

Let It go
Let It come
Let It be

Plans ~ Plans ~ Plans

Stuff ~ Stuff ~ Stuff

Why ?

Let It go
Let It come
Let It be

And be